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I am an artist, Zen archery instructor, and meditation teacher. I grew up in Southern California, and have lived in Belfast, Edinburgh, and Hyderabad, India.

About a zillion years ago I was a cub reporter at a city paper in metro DC. I used to stand in front my editor’s desk waiting while he perused my story printed on paper (the way we used to submit stories in the 20th century.) He would’ve smoked a cigar if HR allowed it. It never took him more than 90 seconds to read and he only ever had two responses: A) “Good” or B) “Bring it back when it’s a story.”

Since then, I’ve taken dozens of writing courses, written at least 100 poems, 30 short stories, 100s of blogs, 20 spec television scripts, two screenplays, and five novels. I’ve have been featured in a handful of literary journals, (also been rejected many times.) I spent many years working in market research, advertising, and branding, but my avocation has always been to be a novelist.

I self-published a poetry collection, which I marketed myself and sold over 200 copies. I have also self-published to provide books for workshops I teach in recovery from addiction, eating disorders, and trauma. I have published coloring books, which I provide at no cost to meditation students and children.




Confessions of a failed perfectionist

The story of my recovery from eating disorders and shame. This book includes many tools to overcome the habits that keep you stuck.

Derby Poems

A collection of poems inspired by the names of Kentucky Derby race horses. They explore domestic violence, addiction, love, loss, and yes, of course horses.

Create here: Creative Prompts for everyone everyday

I wrote and illustrated this book for everyone who wants to do something creative but doesn’t know where to start.

Wisdom of the Kitchen

A book reframing femininity based on our habits in the kitchen . You’ll have to read it to find out.

The fabled land

36 Hand-Drawn Meditative Coloring Pages for beginning meditators and playful adults.

A coloring book for kids and adults who love bees, butterflies, and spiders (a little bit.)


A coloring book for kids or adults who love flowers.


A coloring book that celebrates everything that thrives in the arid beauty of the Southwestern desert.


Book signing -stevenson, washington

BOOK Launch for Confessions of a Failed Perfectionist - Burbank, California

Books and art on Sale - Burbank, CAlifornia

Meet the authors event - Westlake, CAlifornia

CREATOR’S workshop - glendale, California

The Love Mandala Workshop - Glendale, California

The Fabled Land Coloring Party - Glendale, CAlifornia

derby poems reading event, la canada, california

The fabled land signing event - burbank, California


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