About the AUTHOR
I wanted to grow up to be J.R.R. Tolkien. When I was 10 I took a steno pad and tried to write my own version of The Lord of The Rings. I was profoundly disappointed that I wasn’t able to finish my book during the summer break.
It didn’t dampen my love of storytelling, world building and writing. I can’t really remember a time when ‘composting’ (a term borrowed from the magical Natalie Goldberg) an idea for a story or a poem over in my head.
Since leaving my last full time job I have applied myself to writing. I’ve published a collection of poetry. And been published in literary journals.
I’ve written three novels and continually work on short stories and scripts. I hope you’ll enjoy the books and writing I have available her and be sure and stop by “Books” page for my all time favorite reads (besides The Lord of the Rings I mean)
I am the author of a poetry collection Derby Poems, The Fabled Land 36 Hand-Drawn Coloring Pages, Florabundant 25 Hand-Drawn Coloring Pages, Bugapalooza, 24-HandDrawn Coloring Pages, Deserterra 25 Hand-Drawn Coloring Pages and the non-fiction work Confessions of a Failed Perfectionist: How to Get Over Self-Hate, Self-Sabotage and Feeling Like a Failure. (All are available on Amazon)
Thank you for visiting my website. If you have seen a piece of work you are interested in buying (that isn't in the on the SHOP page) please contact me at my email StephanieMillerArtistATgmail.com or on the CONTACT page for this website.