Create Here
I believe in creativity.
I believe that creativity is a god-given birthright. At its most elemental, creativity is problem-solving. We look at a problem, we look at our resources and consider a way through. Changing a tire can be as creative as sculpting a block of marble, because the same process is at work in our brains.
Not all of us can paint or sing or write, but we are all creative. I believe it is an essential part of our humanity to express our creativity. It helps us to touch a non-conceptual, primal part of ourselves that might otherwise remain silent. I also believe it is are responsibility. If, as artists of any kind, we fail to speak for that part of humanity we can become degraded. We lose touch with our capacity to experience beauty, poignancy and vulnerability.
If you are someone who hasn’t engaged with creative side I’d like to invite you to create here. If you don’t have a chosen media, try writing a simple response to the prompts I offer. It doesn’t need to be poetry and doesn’t need to be long. Just try allowing yourself to be playful for a few minutes. See if you can touch that secret center that doesn’t speak analytically and doesn’t perform for others.
Create Here
Daily prompts are released on Tuesday mornings. See below for prompts. These prompts are also available as book which you can buy here.