The World According to Poetry #14

Friesian Fire

By Stephanie Wood Miller © 2019 

Standing before you

Smoke streams from your nostrils

Against the cold morning air

Ears cocked, alert to my every word

Soft lips nuzzle my neck

My young heart has been in love before

Maybe you have not known it either

You surrender

To the curry comb and hoof pick

And we pass the morning together

In pungent silence

I cannot admit to anyone how I fear you

And love you

I feel so small and strong with you

Your big heart

Ignites my imagination

With the places we will go

Because you will carry me anywhere

Not just now

But in my dreams when I am old and broken

And your thunderous heart

Beats only in my memory

And your breath has ceased burning

The icy air

If it is possible for anything to quench the fire

That burns in us both

Derby Poems
By Stephanie Miller
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