The World According to Poetry #19

Water Moon
By Stephanie Wood Miller © 2019 


In my dreams

I have had a thousand lovers

Ridden a thousand steads

Slayed a multitude of dragons


In my dreams 

I have found all that is lost

Uncovered all that is secret

Borne what is unseen


In my dreams

I have burnt





Left, lost, lit

All that there is

To be seen, smelled, heard, touched, and tasted


In my dreams

I have led and followed

Lost and won

Purchased, sold

Destroyed, birthed

Raised, razed, consumed

Supplanted and removed


In my dreams

I have danced and sung

Swung, dipped, flown

Swooped, soared

Swum, drowned

Ducked, drank, dipped, dallied

Climbed, killed, broken and bested


In my dreams

I laugh, fear

Cry, bellow, bark and die

Still all the illusion eludes me

And I am left

Waking to the brilliant East

Where watery dreams recede 

Leaving their taste on my thirsty tongue


Derby Poems
By Stephanie Miller
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