The World According to Poetry #24

Join in the Dance

By Stephanie Wood Miller © 2019 


Not some engraved invitation

Comes this besieged heart

Whirling, amidst chaos

I see them beyond sorrow and joy

Hope and fear

Tears streaming and collapse

Inside the union of lover and beloved

The silent come-on, an open hand

Incline of the head, languorous nod

Then backs turned, chins up, spinning

I am welcome any time

Every time

What do I withhold?

With my prudish, ‘No’

My wallflower habit

Fear of rejection

Since dancers began

I have demurred at invitations

Or expected none

Now, at last, on the cusp of the mean

I understand that there is always an invitation

That the dance floor

Is an equal partner to every Dancer

And I have only to join in,

For the darkness to depart 

To fly free

And spare myself the pain 

Of not joining

The dance given in my honor

Derby Poems
By Stephanie Miller
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